The professor sees great promise in your duelling ability. You must be a natural!  For your second duel he has invited you to duel a third-year student who’s never been beaten!

Duel 2 Opponent

Roger Ficklemore

3rd year

Known to talk during duels and often this is a clue to what he’s going to do.

  • If he’s joking, he’s likely being defensive.
  • If he throws an insult, he’s on the attack.
  • If he tries a distraction, he’s trying to disarm his opponent.
  • If he says multiple things, pay attention to the last thing he says.

He’s aware that people know this, so sometimes he disguises what he says with what he’s doing. His body language is often a better gauge of his action than his words.

  • If he’s staring you down he’s probably going to attack.
  • He can only cast disarm spells if he starts with a hand or two behind his back.
  • If he’s facing you front on that’s his key defensive move!

To win your second duel you will need to anticipate your opponents moves and make 5 correct moves against them in a row. Any incorrect moves or stalemates will result in the duel restarting.